“Packing for Vancouver – to shoot #OnceUponaTime – new fantastical TV show.”
Nice Girls TV orginally reported the casting and confirmed that Kristin. will be guest starring on the show as Maleficent, better known as the evil fairy godmother who cast a spell on Sleeping Beauty. At the moment, she is only booked to be on one episode. But there is a possibility that it could be reoccuring.
According to the Hollywood Reporter the episode will air in October.
What do you think about Kristin’s new role? Will you watch Once Upon a Time? Tell me in the comments below!
Sources: Hollywood Reporter.com- “True Blood’s Kristin Bauer to Guest Star on ABC’s Once Upon a Time”
Nice Girls TV.com- “Once Upon a Time: Kristin Bauer to Play Maleficent (EXCLUSIVE)
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