Kristin Bauer Van Straten Shows That Vampires Love Tigers!

Posted on the 19 February 2014 by Thevault @The_Vault

Kristin Bauer van Straten has joined forces with to save the home of the endangered Sumatran tiger in Indonesia.

Launched just a week ago, 120,000 people including a host of Hollywood stars have signed up to help protect the forest home of endangered animals -Kristin has signed our Tiger Manifesto with a powerful statement, take a look at it >>

Help spread Kristin’s message!

Join the worldwide twitter storm this Friday (February 21) when fan clubs around the world will be tweeting about Kristin’s commitments, and showing the world that vampires love tigers! (as you can see in the Tiger Manifesto, there are many vampires!)

When tweeting, please use #Vamps4Tigers  And to help you figure out what to tweet, here are some ideas for your consideration:

  • #Vamps4Tigers! I stand with Pam to protect tiger homes: #ProtectParadise @BauervanStraten
  • “U r not the only one whose fate hangs in the balance” #Vamps4Tigers join Pam to #ProtectParadise @BauervanStraten
  • Like @BauervanStraten, I don’t want everyday products linked to tiger extinction! #ProtectParadise #Vamps4Tigers

Check out Kristin’s support:
