Kristin Bauer Probably Won’t Bite You, Especially If You’re Wearing a Cape

Posted on the 14 July 2011 by Kbo @VampPerfection

It’s difficult enough making it as a working actor, but it’s even trickier if you’re an actor on the HBO vampire-fetish drama True Blood. The show has a Cannonball Run–sized cast, with storylines competing, like a gang of prepubescent boys with a stick and a dead frog, to see which can be the grossest. If you’re in the True Blood cast and you want to be noticed, you have to either have explicit and blood-soaked sex in which you or your partner (or both) is bitten, mauled, disfigured, or had his or her head turned 180 degrees, or be a hot guy with ridiculously ripped abs who repeatedly takes off his shirt for no apparent reason. And then there’s Pam, played with sassy swagger by Kristin Bauer, who has gone from being a barely noticeable minor character—she runs the Fangtasia nightclub and is vampire sheriff Eric Northman’s B.F.F.—to one of True Blood’s most beloved and memorable vamps. And she did it without once flashing an areola. On last Sunday’s episode, Pam stole the show yet again with just one badass line: “I’ll give you 24 hours to deliver that witch to me,” she announced to a group of very freaked-out wiccans. “And if you don’t, I will personally eat, fuck, and kill all three of you.” Juicy dialogue like that has become de rigueur for Pam, who always gets the best zingers while the rest of the cast are busy flexing their pasty-white muscles. I called Bauer as she was preparing for a busy few weeks—first with a True Blood charity concert tonight in Los Angeles, and then with San Diego’s Comic-Con, where she’ll be appearing in a True Blood panel (along with her mostly naked co-stars) on Friday, July 22.

If Pam did get a tattoo, what do you think it’d be?
Knowing her, she’d probably get a portrait of Eric. It’d have to be some sort of tribute to her maker.

For the full article, head over to Vanity Fair

This entry was posted on Thursday, July 14th, 2011 at 1:05 am and is filed under Article, Interview, Kristin, Season 4. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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