Kristin Bauer in “Subject: I LOVE YOU” Virus-Inspired Movie

Posted on the 26 April 2011 by Thevault @The_Vault

True Blood’s Kristin Bauer is in the new film: Subject: I LOVE YOU.

Kristin plays the part of Sarah Drake in this film that is not only action-packed, but a romantic drama, based on the destructive ‘I Love You’ computer virus, which spread around the globe at the turn of the millennium, shutting down computer systems at the Pentagon, Parliament and the CIA. It’s ultimately the story of a young man, Victor, who will do anything to reconnect with the only woman he’s ever loved – even if that means entangling himself in an international criminal investigation.

Look for Kristin’s at about 1:38.

The film premieres Friday, April 20 with a world premiere at the Newport Beach Film Festival.
