Korres + Figs & Rouge Rose Lip Balms

By Sarahhhp @SarahhhP

Ok, so I was a bit naughty and during a bout of late night boredom on Friday evening I went a tad spend crazy on Feel Unique. If you read my wishlist a couple of posts back you will have seen that I have been lusting after the By Terry Or De Rose Baume Precieux lip balm - though with it's hefty price tag of £46, so far I haven't been able to bring myself to invest. What with my current rose obsession though, I thought it might be nice to try out some cheaper versions I've been hearing good things about!

The Korres Lip Butters are something I have been dying to try for such a long time. It was this post from the lovely essie-button that got me really intrigued - especially the point she made about them being good if you like a balm that also adds a bit of color to your lips. If there is one thing I feel naked without, it's a little splash of color and so they sounded perfect for me. I wasn't disappointed either - super moisturising and adding a sheer tint to the lips, I'm now dying to add to my collection with some of their other delicious sounding flavours/scents - mango and jasmine are at the top of my list!
I was first drawn towards the Figs & Rouge "Lip, face and body balm" (like most people) by it's gorgeous "vintage-esque" packaging - it's sooo pretty! Though when I looked into it more and read a few reviews, I recognised that there were more reasons than just it's appearance, that made it worth snapping up. Firstly, there is the fact that it is made up (as stated on the tin) of 100% organic ingredients. I'm not a stickler when it comes to things like this, but I do like the idea of putting something natural onto my face/lips that doesn't contain any nasty chemicals - I don't go out of my way to find natural products, though lately after reading the blogs of people who really rave about them (one in particular which springs to mind is the lovely Sophia's) - I have become quite a big fan. (In fact, a large proportion of what I ordered from Feel unique at the weekend was from Burt's Bees - all of which I'm v excited to review at some point during the near future.) Back to the lip balms though and once again, I was thoroughly impressed; they are really moisturising (something I felt the effects of for hours after I first applied), this one has a lovely scent and is also the perfect size to just pop into your purse for when you're on the go. Much like with the Korres Lip Butter, I am really looking forward to trying some of the other scents/flavours available - really liking the sound of the Peppermint and Tea Tree in particular.
Would love to know how many of you have tried either of these products - if so, were you impressed? Which flavours/scents did you enjoy the most?