
By Pabster @pabloacalvino

Konttori was the most celebrated nightclub in town,‭ ‬though certainly not the best, and definitely overpriced:‭ ‬its long admission queue led the customers, past the bully bouncers, to a local ‬densely permeated by cigarette smoke,‭ ‬puddled with beer and carpeted in glass debris,‭ ‬with a narrow and stifling dance floor; and the staf was ‬invariably bad-tempered.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬inexplicably though it seemed to me,‭ ‬it was the chicks‭’ ‬favourite pick,‭ ‬and therefore also the guys’.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬its reputation might not be altogether unjustified,‭ ‬since I used to get lucky there and ‬my expectations were seldom disappointed.

That was my last night in Konttori. A few days later I was bound to leave the town for good.

‭Posted in one of the strategic corners,‭ ‬long drink in hand,‭ ‬I was keeping a watch on the entrance door, checking on the  convex-gendered newcomers, and generally having a look on the women around, like a vulture in check of  a prey.

‭The woman appeared suddenly in the focal point of my retine.‭ ‬She wasn’t neither the prettiest nor the youngest,‭ ‬but – ‬her eyes beaming with a natural smile of their own,‭ ‬she was one of those rare owners – should I say portrayers? – of an ineffable‭ ‬something around their countenance or bearing,‭ ‬some I-don’t-know-what which seemed the quintessence of sympathy,‭ ‬an inborn elegance in demeanour,‭ ‬the ultimate sparkle of intelligence,‭ ‬a‭ ‬something that lends them an unmistakable and irresistible allure, making them conspicuously outstand the others.

‭Nonetheless,‭ ‬as she was in the company of a man,‭ ‬I quickly consigned her to oblivion.

‬A while later, though,‭ ‬when passing by the couple on my way to the dance floor,‭ ‬I heard my own voice unexpectedly speaking to her:‭ ‘‬you’ve got something special‭!

‭– Thank you‭! ‬So do you’, ‬was her inmediate reply, and a broad smile on her mouth underlined the other, previous smile her eyes naturally portrayed.

Yet later on ‬we came across again.‭ ‬She was now by herself,‭ ‬her companion nowhere to be seen, and,‭ ‬stopping by me,‭ this time it was she who ‬endowed me with a resplendent expression of gratitude:

— I wanted to thankyou what‭  ‬you told me before‭– ‬she said.

‭– Not at all! ‬I wasn’t flattering you –and then,‭ looking for my words–: I just couldn’t help uttering what my mind was thinking.‭ ‬You have that charismatic something… a natural radiance onto your visage,‭ ‬like a glamour… a kind of luster that outstands.‭ ‬You looked straight into my eyes rather than dodged my ‬stare…‭

— One thousand heartfelt thanks‭! ‬–she almost shouted–.‭ Yes,‭ ‬it’s true that our nation suffers from an excess of shyness.‭ ‬But please, don’t ever stop doing what you’ve done.‭ ‬Please don’t stop stating those thoughts‭!

I hadn’t ever met a woman so grateful by a compliment,‭ ‬and this idea made me wonder: maybe she has never been told anything similar before‭? These folks bashful!

We talked for a short while,‭ ‬barely enough for learning little more than our names – though I forgot her long ago; and then we heartily shook hands to the last of our words, prolonging a contact – probably ‬longer than necessary? – ‬that had turned into a caress.‭..

— May you have a beautiful life‭ –was her sentence of farewell; ‬and ‬before turning round,‭ ‬she sent me on her fingers a warm kiss that I – clumsy me! – didn’t manage to intercept, so it got lost among the smoke,‭ ‬the music and the clamor of Konttori.