Kol Berama Required to Include Women, Except...

By Gldmeier @gldmeier

This is interesting.. a couple years ago radio station Kol BeRama got in trouble for having in effect a ban on women from being on the radio - not as presenters nor as guests or call-ins. Gender discrimination is against their operating license, and they were required to allow women on-air.
The broadcasting committee has now authorized the broadcast schedule for Kol BeRama for the 2014 year, and it has approved Kol Berama to broadcast one hour per day, and only one hour, with no women on-air. This is approved alongside the conclusion of the regulatory process by which Kol Berama is committed to no longer having any restrictions on women.
Somehow it seems contradictory - no restrictions at all, but one hour a day is ok. I am fine with have a mens-only hour, but the two statements together just seem to be contradictory.
Kol Berama requested the one hour a day for the benefit of their more hard-core listeners, and it will be in effect for a show called "Sermons and Conversations, Listeners with Rabbonim"  (דרשות ושיחות מאזינים עם רבנים)  . Besides for that show, the station is committed to work to encourage having more women on-air during broadcasts.
(source: Kikar)