Kodaline ‘After The Fall’

Posted on the 21 June 2013 by Thatswhatsheheard @sheheardblog

Visuals: The love child of McFly and Mumford and Sons

With the promise of a proper summer on the way, iTunes have finally said ‘bye-bye’ to spring with another offering of ‘pro-pop’ bounce. Here’s introducing this week’s music review of Kodaline who bring us the summertime melodic: After the Fall.

‘After the Fall’ is an overall lovely song, with a balanced form and consistent tone. Likable in its all encompassing positive sound balanced by philo-pop (yup) lyrics. The track may start with a piano melody like an 90′s pop ballad which initially made us think ‘ah Elton John‘, but in the end pretty much sounded a little like One Republic crossed with Stereophonics overlaid with Coldplay; which is not such a bad thing. Having a reliable sound for something like iTunes single of the week makes it a sure fire way to be instantly likeable. However it can be a little off putting as the sound is so familiar and has been done many times before.

Beneficially simplistic in the start, After the Fall builds slowly and fully until it makes you feel as if it is resonating like the heat of an afternoon sun: fun and young with sepia toned home movies. Especially at the build to the bridge with the lack of vocals over boisterous piano melody. The vocals are controlled, consisting of a lovely tone without being too poppy and rough edge and at the same time not being toneless. A little of Chris Martin in the inflection. and a lot of thought in the lyrics, sadness mixed with an edge of hope  ’life just keeps moving/the world gets stranger every day…how can I hold on when all I do is let you go’. The use of chorus boost at moments into the main melody is effective and adds meat and personalisation to the song, adding likeability and and a very listenable quality.

So overall Kodaline have done well, it’s a nice track. But if you are one of those people who got over Coldplay a long time ago I would say avoid this like the plague because it’s much of the same sound.

Until next time…

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