Know Your Enemies! The Poor Walk Among Us!

Posted on the 29 September 2015 by Calvinthedog

Remember that conservatives are all for incentives, which is why we all need to be conservatives. And never mind that the rich and the poor are equals. So say conservatives. Or do they?

Recall that conservatives say that contracts entered into by the folks on the right and the folks on the left are “contracts between equals.” Hey, they’re fair contracts! Everyone signed on the dotted line, so everything’s legal and it’s all good. If you think this is preposterous as Hell, please join me.

Also keep in mind that as a Moronican, those humans on the left are the “good people” and those humans on the left are “bad people.” As proven by moral philosophy of course! So your contempt is all science-based, and now you can sleep well at night. It’s always proper to assume that our hatreds and loves are based on science (meaning it is a scientific fact that they are either good or evil). We need to scientifically prove that those we hate are bad and those we love are good, otherwise we can’t sleep.

Americanisms are many and varied. They are required if you want to reside here. Otherwise you are an America-hater. Along with this preposterous idea called “the most pitiful poor of all are my deadliest enemies” we have to follow along with the Jews and their amoral Talmud and agree “anything for a buck” and “all’s fair in love, war and business.”

Once you agree to these basic precepts, you are as American as Mom, apple pie, baseball and jello casserole.

God bless America! Thank you for your service!