Knitting & Crochet Blog Week 2015 | Day Seven: Your Time, Your Place

By Elena @Midsommarflicka

Hello to the last day of Knit & Crochet Blog Week!

Today the task is to talk about my time & my place.
Ususally I knit here:

But I equally often knit on the sofas and armchairs from my friends, when we're sitting all together, drinking coffee & tea and chat ... and I knit. And probably also teach the others to knit.

The thing I don't do? Knitting while in the train. I'm actually going a lot by train, as Hamburg's big and my way to universtiy & work both are 20-30 minutes. But, I do have this other hobby - reading. So I use the commute for reading and my evenings for knitting :)