Kitchen Hack: How to Quickly Ripen Avocados

By Slowdownandsavor

Here’s the deal, you guys. I’m an impatient person. A very impatient person. So when I got home from the store today with my three pretty avocados, I was SO ready to get down and make some guacamole. Hello intense desire for Guacamole. Nice to see you again.

But as it turned out, the avocados were NOT ripe. AT ALL. Ugh. I scoured the Internet looking for ways to quickly ripen avocados. Everything I found said “put in paper bag. Wait 3-6 days.” NO. Absolutely not. I don’t want guacamole in 3-6 days. I want it now!

But then I found some hope in the form of a YouTube video.

And in 20 minutes, I had ripe avocados, and 10 minutes after that, delicious guacamole. Praise God. Yeah. It ACTUALLY WORKED.

If you don’t even have time to watch the video, here’s what you need to do (I changed a few things, since when I watched the video, I wasn’t paying that much attention. I thought she said 250. She said 200… Also, 10-15 minutes wasn’t long enough for me and my three avocados. Probably will be good enough for 2.)

Preheat your oven to 250F. Wrap your avocados in foil. Place avocados on a baking sheet or in a baking pan. Place in oven for 10-20 minutes. Check at 10 minutes. You’re looking for them to be a touch smooshy when you gently squeeze. Voila.