Kirstie’s Vintage Home… and Me!

By Claire

I’m so excited. Too excited to type. Ama­zon deliv­ered my copy of Kirstie’s Vin­tage Home
this morn­ing: her new shiny hard­back book which came out this morn­ing. Did you see Kirstie on The One Show last night, by the way? I’m look­ing for­ward to see­ing her on Gra­ham Norton’s ‘very posh sofa’ soon!

Part of Kirstie’s Vin­tage Home is the vin­tage wed­ding of Amy and Craig, for which Kirstie cre­ated, crafted and styled so many fan­tas­tic details. The page shown above has a pic of Amy’s place for the wed­ding recep­tion. Gor­geous, isn’t it? But my favorite bit is the close ups of that lovely napkin…

I wrote it. With my own fair (well, inky) hand — my oblique cal­lig­ra­phy pen, my Gillot 303 nib and Japan­ese ink. I wrote that exact place card which is on page 197 of Kirstie’s Vin­tage Home. And I took some pho­tos at home, then sent it — along with a few dozen more for all the other guests! — to Kirstie in time for the wed­ding.
And then I sat, qui­etly, hop­ing… for the pub­li­ca­tion date. I pre-ordered my book. I for­got about it, then remem­bered again, then told myself I might not make ‘the cut’ and be in the book any­way. Then I for­got again. Then my dad reminded me. Then this morn­ing the door­bell rang (and the post­man ham­mered on my door) and I saw my lit­tle par­cel from Ama­zon. I phoned my mom. I kissed Kirstie’s face on the cover!

My name is even on the page — in the same sen­tence as the word “expert” and the other words “beau­ti­ful cal­lig­ra­phy”. I think that makes me hap­pier than even the pic­tures! I’m so proud.

Of course Kirstie shares her tips for recre­at­ing the place set­tings as well as so many more gor­geous details from Amy and Craig’s wed­ding, and ideas for cre­at­ing your own vin­tage home.

I’ve only had a chance to flick through and admire all the pic­tures so far, but I have big plans to snug­gle up on my sofa with a hot choco­late later and start read­ing… my own apart­ment still being a bit of a blank can­vas!

I hope you don’t mind me shar­ing this today — yes it’s self-indulgent but I’m ever so happy to be men­tioned in Kirstie’s book. When the tele­vi­sion series starts I’m going to be a ner­vous wreck… but then again, I might not make the cut… we’ll see!

I really do rec­om­mend you read the book, both for vin­tage wed­ding projects and for home crafts. It’ll keep you busy mak­ing gor­geous things right through till Christ­mas! It’s on Ama­zon right now — click to go straight to the page: Kirstie’s Vin­tage Home and I promise, you’ll love it. Enjoy!

Claire xx