Kirstie Alley Has A Conspiracy Theory About Mass Shooters

Posted on the 04 October 2017 by Sumithardia

Kirstie Alley Has A Conspiracy Theory About Mass Shooters

After the tragedy that happened in Las Vegas on Sunday night, many people (famous and regular) gave their thoughts on why mass shootings keep happening. Kirstie Alley thinks she knows why, and her unsolicited hypothesis is chock full of Scientology craziness.

On Monday, Scientology’s most-committed rally girl got some cult points when she gave her two cents on Twitter about modern-day mass shooting massacres. To Kristie, it’s not about gun control or access to assault rifles or mental health. It’s about – drum roll please – DRUGS. Specifically, psychiatric drugs.

It’s no secret that Scientology hates psychiatric drugs. Kirstie believes that drugs are the reason for mass shootings, because according to her, there were no “shooters” before the 1980s, and apparently that’s when we all started popping pills for depression and various other mental health reasons.

We have to solve the mystery of Why there were no "shooters" or almost 0 before the 1980's.I know one common denominator other than guns

— Kirstie Alley (@kirstiealley) October 2, 2017

One additional common denominator of "shooters" is USA's mass usage of psychiatric drugs. A % do have side effects of VIOLENCE & SUICIDE.

— Kirstie Alley (@kirstiealley) October 2, 2017

Yes I did say it. It happens to be a common denominator in that didn't exist before the 80's.. not my opinion. Statistic based

— Kirstie Alley (@kirstiealley) October 2, 2017

But she’s not *totally* awful; she sent thoughts and prayers to those in Las Vegas.

I send PRAYERS to people lost & families effected by this tragic shooting. We also have to find out WHY these happen NOW. What has changed?

— Kirstie Alley (@kirstiealley) October 2, 2017

Unsurprisingly, the internet didn’t give Kristie a gold star for her theory. People were not having it. Which is a duh-and-a-half. Of course linking psychiatric drugs to mass shooters doesn’t make any sense. Neither does her argument that shootings didn’t happen before the 1980s. If she had done a little research she would have known that. But I guess internet access at the Scientology center is restricted to a single link to a Blingee created by David Miscavige of Tom Cruise piloting a space ship.


Source: Kirstie Alley Has A Conspiracy Theory About Mass Shooters

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