Kim Jong Un Visits Ku’msusan on Sun’s Day

Posted on the 16 April 2017 by Michael_nklw @Michael_NKLW

Kim Jong Un bows and pays his respects at the remains of his grandfather, late DPRK President and founder Kim Il Sung, at Ku’msusan Palace of the Sun on April 15, 2017 (Photo: Korean Central Television).

KJU’s last observed appearance was his attendance at a national report meeting marking the 105th birth anniversary of late DPRK President and founder Kim Il Sung 

Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-u’n) visited the Ku’msusan Palace of the Sun on April 15 (Saturday), the 105th birth anniversary of his grandfather late DPRK President and founder Kim Il Sung (Kim Il-so’ng).  Visitors included SPA Presidium President Kim Yong Nam (Kim Yo’ng-nam), State Affairs Commission Vice Chairman and KPA General Political Department Director VMar Hwang Pyong So (Hwang Pyo’ng-so), State Affairs Commission Vice Chairman and DPRK Cabinet Premier Pak Pong Ju (Pak Pong-chu), State Affairs Commission Vice Chairman and Workers’ Party of Korea [WPK] Vice Chairman for Workers’ and Social Organizations Choe Ryong Hae (Ch’oe Ryong-hae), Chief of the KPA General Staff VMar Ri Myong Su (Ri Myo’ng-su), Minister of the People’s Armed Forces Gen. Pak Yong Sik (Pak Yo’ng-sik), WPK Vice Chairman for Propaganda and Agitation Kim Ki Nam (Kim Ki-nam), WPK Vice Chairman for Science and Education and SPA Chairman (speaker) Choe Thae Bok (Ch’oe T’ae-pok), WPK Vice Chairman for International Affairs Ri Su Yong (Ri Su-yo’ng; a.k.a. Ri Chol), WPK Vice Chairman for Munitions Industry Ri Man Gon (Ri Minister of People’s Security Gen. Choe Pu Il (Choe Pu-il), SPA Presidium Vice President Yang Hyong Sop (Yang Hyo’ng-sop), WPK Vice Chairman for Cadres Affairs Kim Phyong Hae (Kim P’yo’ng-hae), WPK Vice Chairman for Planning and Finance Kwak Pom Gi (Kwak Pom-ki), WPK Vice Chairman for Economic Affairs O Su Yong (O Su-yo’ng), WPK Vice Chairman for Intelligence and South Korean Affairs Kim Yong Chol (Kim Yo’ng-ch’o’l), State Planning Commission Chairman and DPRK Vice Premier Ro Tu Chol (Ro Tu-ch’o’l) along hundreds of WPK, KPA, internal security and DPRK Government officials.

Kim Jong Un entered the hall where the KIS and Kim Jong Il (Kim Cho’ng-il) statues are placed.  Floral baskets from Jong Un and those sent jointly by the WPK Central Military Commission and the DPRK State Affairs Commission and the Supreme People’s Assembly and the DPRK Cabinet were placed in front of the statues by a KPA and WPRG honor guard.  Jong Un and the other visitors “paid high tribute to the statues.”

Jong Un and the other visitors went to the chamber containing KIS’ preserved remains and “paid homage” to him “in the humblest reverence.”  They moved onto rooms containing various state titles and honorary degrees given to KIS are kept along with exhibitions of KIS’ personal Mercedes’ sedan and railway carriage.

Kim Jong Un and the visitors then visited the hall containing KJI’s preserved remains and “paid homage” to him “in the humblest reverence.”  Afterward they went into a room containing state titles and honorary degrees that KJI received, then moved onto the exhibitions of KJI’s electric mobility cart, his boat, his Mercedes sedan and personal railway carriage.

Filed under: 2017 Day of the Sun, Central Committee, Central Military Committee, Central Party Affairs/Cadres 5th Section, Choe Ryong Hae, Culture Section (bureau), DPRK Cabinet, DPRK Premier, Education Section (PAD), Executive Policy Bureau, General Affairs, Guard Command, Hwang Pyong So, Hwang Pyong So (GPD; KPA VMAR), Information Section, Kim Chong-un inspections, Kim Family, Kim Jong Un Visits, Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-un, Kim Yong Nam, KJI Personal Secretariat, Korean People's Army (KPA), Korean People's Army Supreme Command, Korean People's Internal Security Forces, Korean Workers' Party (KWP), KPA General Political Bureau, KPA General Political Department, KPA General Staff, kpif, ministry of people's security, Ministry of State Security, Ministry of the People's Armed Forces (MPAF), MPAF GPB, Organization and Guidance Department, Pak Pong Ju, Party elders, Party History Institute, Political Bureau, Propaganda and Agitation Department, Publications, Pyongyang Defense Command, State Affairs Commission, State Security Department, Supreme People's Assembly