Kim Jong Un Visits Construction of Apartment Towers for KIS University Science Faculty

Posted on the 14 August 2013 by Michael_nklw @Michael_NKLW

Kim Jong Un tours a unit in an apartment tower designated for science faculty and researchers of Kim Il Sung University. Also in attendance is Ma Won Chun (L), Choe Tae Bok (2nd L) and Ri Jae Il (3rd L) (Photo: Rodong Sinmun).

DPRK state media reported on 13 August (Tuesday) that Kim Jong Un (Kim Cho’ng-u’n) visited the construction of apartment housing for science faculty and researchers of Kim Il Sung (Kim Il-so’ng) University.  He was accompanied by Korean Workers’ Party [KWP] Secretary and Supreme People’s Assembly Chairman Choe Tae Bok, Senior Deputy Director of the KWP Propaganda and Agitation Department Ri Jae Il and KWP Department Deputy Directors Pak T’ae Song and Ma Won Chun.  Kim Jong Un’s last observed appearance was his visit to the 11 May Factory.

Kim Jong Un toured the construction of the two apartment towers (one consisting of 36 stories and the other 44 stories) in Pyongyang.  Construction of the apartment buildings is being conducted by Korean People’s Army [KPA] Unit #267.  According to KCNA, he “clarified the issues to be settled in building skyscraping apartment houses” and said “that it is nice and stable to see when welfare service facilities are built on the ground floor on the basis of calculation of the height of skyscraping apartment houses.”  He toured one of the apartments and “was very pleased that it is very good to see the entrance between corridor and vestibule built in an arch style and decorated with a pillar and they look peculiar.”  He toured the living room, kitchen and dining room and was briefed about furniture.  Kim Jong Un “underscored the need to provide TV sets to scientists moving to new flats.”  According to KCNA he said that “primary attention should be paid to ensuring the quality in the construction of apartment houses of scientists”  and added “that the flats built at the best level should be provided to the scientists so that they may not require any additional job when moving to them.”  He also said “that the flats built at the best level should be provided to the scientists so that they may not require any additional job when moving to them,” that “the teachers who have dedicated their lives to bringing up the rising generation and training talents of the country are patriots and there is nothing to spare for them” and that it “is the intention of the party to build more such apartment houses for teachers and researchers in the future.”

Kim Jong Un tours the premises of two apartment towers designated for Kim Il Sung University science faculty and researchers (Photo: Rodong Sinmun).

Two apartment towers under construction by KPA Unit #267. The apartments are designated for KIS University science faculty and researchers (Photo: Rodong Sinmun).

Kim Jong Un (R) tours a residential unit in one of two apartment towers earmarked for KIS University science faculty and researchers. Also seen in attendance is architect and party construction boss Ma Won Chun (L) (Photo: Rodong Sinmun).

A view of the two apartment towers under construction in Pyongyang (Photo: Rodong Sinmun).

Kim Jong Un also said that “it is an important work related to the future of the country to take care of every aspect of the living of teachers and researchers.  .  .when they are provided with nice apartment houses and good living conditions, they can direct all their efforts to educating younger generation and scientific researches without any inconvenience.  When the country preferentially treats the teachers and researchers including scientists and technicians, they can thoroughly implement the party’s idea of attaching importance to science”  He said that he anticipated that the apartment towers for KIS University science faculty and researchers would be completed by 10 October, the official anniversary of the foundation of the Korean Workers’ Party.  He said that apartments for science faculty and researchers at Kim Ch’aek University of Science and Technology would constructed during 2014 and that apartment housing for researchers and personnel at the State Academy of Sciences in P’yo’ngso’ng, along with a resort would be built on Yo’np’ung Lake**  would also be constructed.  According to KCNA Kim Jong Un “underscored the need to learn in detail about the conditions of all the universities and provide students with good dormitories” and he “expressed expectation and belief that KPA Unit 267 demonstrating its honor as a heroic unit in construction would put the intention of the party into practice.”

**Yo’np’ung Lake is a reservoir outside between Kaech’o'n and Anju, North P’yo’ngan, that is also the location of the Kim Family’s largest residential compound.

Overview of Yo’np’ung Lake between North and South P’yo’ngan Provinces, where Kim Jong Un proposed building a vacation resort for DPRK scientists whilst touring an apartment complex (Photo: Google image).

Southern part of a residential compound for the Kim Family and other DPRK elites at Yo’npu’ng Lake. The compound was used for hunting trips by the late DPRK President and founder Kim Il Sung and his son, the late leader Kim Jong Il. A view of the northern section can be viewed here (Photo: Google image).

View of the central and east part of Yo’npu’ng Lake (Photo: Google image).

Filed under: Administration Department, Capital City Construction Commission, capital construction, Central Committee, Central Military Committee, central party life, Choe Tae Bok, DPRK Cabinet, Education Commission, Events Management Section, Financial Planning Department, gsd, Guard Command, Kim Chong-un inspections, Kim Family, Kim Jong Un Visits, Kim Jong-un, KJI Personal Secretariat, Korean People's Army (KPA), Korean People's Internal Security Forces, Korean Workers' Party (KWP), KPA construction battalions, KPA construction brigades, KPA General Logistics Department, KPA General Political Bureau, KPA General Political Department, KPA General Staff, KPA Large Combined Units, KPA supernumerary organizations, kpif, KWP Science and Education Department, local people's committees, Ma Wo'n-ch'un (AD), military economy, military security command [msc], Ministry of Education, Ministry of Higher Education, ministry of people's security, Ministry of State Security, Ministry of the People's Armed Forces (MPAF), MPAF GPB, National Defense Commission (NDC), NDC Administration Department, North Korean press, Organization and Guidance Department, Pak Thae Song (KWP CC Dept), party cells, party life, Political Bureau, primary party committees, Propaganda and Agitation Department, Provincial Party Committees, Provinicial People's Committee, Pyongyang Defense Command, Ri Jae Il (PAD), Secretariat, State Academy of Sciences, State Planning Commission (SPC), State Science and Technology Commission, State Security Department, Supreme People's Assembly, Third Floor, Uncategorized