Kilbride House by Sheila Forsey

By Madi Preda @AUTHORSPR
Recently I’ve been in holiday and I took with me a book written by Sheila Forsey, Kilbride House.
Having an early morning flight I booked a room in the airport hotel, and started my holiday read right away. I knew nothing about the writer but I decided to give it a try. Going through the pages it was easy to immerse in, as she described the place I was staying, Shannon Airport and the hotel. And that evening you will not guess ever what I did. I took a photo of the book and I sent it to Sheila, telling her that I need to sleep but I can’t stop reading her book. The more I read the more I couldn’t put it down. For me, it was a great introduction to Irish history, culture and mentalities of 1950’s society, especially in the little rural communities where at that time, a relationship between Catholics and Protestants was out of question, like in many other parts of the country. The love story of Victoria and Canice kept me busy a good part of the night, and during the flight I could’t wait to see what the new generation will do when they come to see their relatives, to visit the Kilbride House and the ancestors place, Dingle Peninsula and Blasket Islands. Kilbride House it is the best book I read recently and I can say I’ll give it a five star. About the author  Sheila Forsey is intrigued by the 1950’s. Her writing is inspired by the Irish people who emigrated to London, New York and other parts of the world. But what she finds most poignant are the emigrants who never walked on Irish soil again. The haunting landscape of Ireland provides a sense of place with its mystical mountains, rivers and lakes. Beautiful crumbly old houses tend to feature in her writing as she believes that within their walls lie many secrets. Her writing is described as deeply emotional and descriptive as she brings the reader on a soul stirring journey.