Kiki’s Kitchen: Baked Apples with Cinnamon

By Kena @campchic

In honor of the first day of Autumn, I’m whipping up some apple-cinnamon goodness. Straight from Kiki’s Kitchen, I bring you Baked Apples w/ Cinnamon. I found this grand recipe on, who knew you could find delicious recipes on PBS. This quick and simple recipe is perfect for those fall days and the aroma from the apples baking is so divine. I mean what man wouldn’t want to come home to the sweet smell of apples permeating the air. I’m positive Snookums would love this sweet little dish. Too bad I haven’t met him yet. Whatever he’s doing he’s missing out on some good cookin’.

Happy First Day of Fall Darlings!!!

STEP ONE: Start with whatever apples your little heart fancies. I used Honeycrisp, Pink Lady, Breaburn, and Gala. I like to mix it up! Holla!

STEP TWO: Chop up the apples into small squares.  Don’t make them too small or they will cook too fast and become mushy. The goal is baked apples not applesauce. 

STEP THREE: Place your chopped apples in a bowl and add your cinnamon, brown sugar, and fresh squeezed lemon juice.  Follow the recipe for correct measurements. 

STEP SIX: Place apples on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake at 375 degrees for 30min.

Serve with pork chops, chicken, or eat them straight up!!!


  • 2 lbs apples (either Cortland or Gala for best results), cored and chopped
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 1/3 cup brown sugar


  1. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees. Toss the chopped apples with the cinnamon, lemon juice and brown sugar and place in a baking or casserole dish.
  2. Cook apples, stirring occasionally, for about 30 minutes until soft and juicy. Serve for dessert with ice cream or with roast meat for dinner.

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