Kiki’s Delivery Service

By Lostindrawers @lostindrawers

I’m back from Disney! And, it just happens to be Halloween and we of course continue our tradition of dressing up as semi-obscure characters? No, but really we love anime films from Studio Ghibli, and this year we went as one of my favorites – Kiki and Tombo from the amazing Kiki’s Delivery Service! Well, at least our version of a young adult Kiki and Tombo! It just makes us want multiple Halloweens a year so we have an excuse to delve into cosplay dress-up for all our favorite films! And the pups? Well, they went as salty sailor dogs, naturally. I may miss Disney and the lovely adventure I had with my Mom, but it’s good to be home with these boys of mine.

Happy Halloween!

Filed under: adventures, Clio, Emory, Fall, fashion, Fort Worth, our life, out and about, vintage, Walt Disney World Tagged: adventures, anime, Disney, fashion, fort worth, halloween, our life, our style, puppies, vintage