Kids Rooms {Montessori Inspired}

By Smilinglikesunshine @smilinglikesuns
Every now and then I get asked about how to decorate a kid's room Montessori style. So I thought a post might be useful.
For a Montessori inspired room,
  • Try to use an open shelving system so the child can choose whatever he/she wants to play with freely.
  •  Use baskets for storing toys  so the child can easily tidy up and put it back to the shelf when he/she is done with it.
  • Rather than a cot, use a floor bed, so the child can easily get in/out of the bed.
  • Use child sized furnitures. Try to be creative and always look for ways to make your child more independant around the house. In the bathroom, hang hooks for their height so they can reach it easily all by themselves. In the kitchen, if possible,create a corner where they can have access to their own cutlery,glass etc. 

via naubrincandodeblog.

via sewliberated

via  How we Montessori

More inspiration from other blogs:
How we Montessori shares her son's room.
Montessori Ici shares the evolution of her children's rooms.