Kids in the Kitchen: 5 Reasons to Get Them Cooking

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

Most likely your children have their typical daily chores like make their bed or put away their clothes. Why not let them help you cook dinner or a weekend breakfast, cooking doesn’t have to be a chore. Getting your kids in the kitchen and cooking will do them a lot of good, here are a few reasons how and why:

Better Eaters- Picky eaters are never fun but many parents have discovered having your child create a meal with you will help them eat it. They become familiar with the foods that is going in to the meal and take pride in their finished product. Becoming part of the process they are able to feel, taste and smell the food. They will want to taste and enjoy their masterpiece and ask for seconds!

Bonding-Many memories are made in the kitchen. Think back to a time you were helping your parents or your grandparents in the kitchen when you were a child. With all the technology and distractions in today’s world, taking time to make dinner together is a great bonding experience for the whole family. Communication is required and needed when preparing the meal. Don’t be surprised with how much talking and giggling will start.

Creativity- You watch enough reality cooking shows to see that cooking is an art form. Allowing your kids to help with a meal helps them get those creative juices flowing. There are many colors, textures and tastes, let them get creative by adding herbs and spices.  Who knows you could one day inspire your little one to become the next Iron Chef.

Learning- Reading and following recipes is not only a science project but a great way to learn math! Fractions and counting is key in the development of your kids’ education. Allow your kid to read and measure out the ingredients and don’t be afraid to change up the recipe to quiz them. Who knew learning could be this fun and delicious!

Responsibility- Cooking a meal comes with a lot of responsibilities. You have to make sure you follow the instructions correctly, use proper safety rules like handling knifes and hot ovens. The children being part of the meal making will give them a sense of importance and will want to do their best. Also after the meal, have them help with cleanup!

Don’t forget to teach the safety and basics of cooking in a kitchen. Start off small and let them stir the pot or go big with letting them bake a cake. And don’t forget to make a mess and have fun!

Author Bio

Sara is an active as well as an active freelance writer. She is a frequent contributor of nanny agency.  Learn more about her at: