Kids Game: Monster Action and Counting Cubes

By Thepracticalmommy2 @PracticalMommy2

Fun Counting Game for Kids

As my son's Kindergarten class's homeroom parent, I had to come up with a couple of fun activities for his class's Fall Festival Party. While browsing on Pinterest, I came across a fun counting and action game that I adapted for his class. 

Monster Action and Counting Cubes

Adapted from: Monster Dice Learning and Fun Party Game
Please visit this link for the original set of instructions! 
Step One: Find Boxes
I found these adorable nesting boxes at the dollar store. Bonus: they were already decorated as mummies! 
Step Two: Stick on Eyes
On each side of the block, stick on (or glue on) googly eyes, starting with one eye on one side and going all the way up to six. I prefer the stick on kind as it takes a lot less time! 
Step Three: Action Words
Write an action on each side of the box. For my box, I used:
  • black cat scratch
  • Frankenstein's monster stomp
  • mummy walk
  • ghost wiggle
  • bat wing flap
  • skeleton skip
How to Play Kids can roll the cubes. First, read the action. Next, count how many eyes you see. Complete the action X amount of times.  What Does It Teach
  • Counting/numbers
  • Coordination
It's simple and fun!  Would this be something your child would enjoy? Let me know with a comment! 
Marissa is a stay-at-home mom who writes pregnancy and parenting articles on HubPages as ThePracticalMommy, as well as shares her motherly escapades on Mommy Knows What's Best
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