Kid Food

Posted on the 27 February 2013 by Itszappy @itszappy
I used to eat the nastiest crap as a kid. Like, you know how when you're really little, you'll experiment with just about anything, as long as you're the one making it? That was me. That was all of us.
God, let me tell you the horror stories.
For one thing, my siblings and I all used to eat this horrible confection of croutons, ranch, and cheese. We'd put them on a giant plate together and separate them into three little sections. Then, we'd take our croutons, dip them in the ranch, and then the cheese so it would stick. And eat it. We used to eat so much of it and oh my god it smelled so bad. At the time, I thought it was the greatest shit ever. But holy sweet mother of god, once I got older and stopped eating it, it made me want to gag. Especially since we were all really little when we used to do make it, so all my sibling's breath used to smell HORRIBLE, lol.
My cousin, KJ, and I used to eat nasty stuff all the time together. I remember one time, when we were about either 11 or 12, she was on this medicine that used to give her weird cravings at weird times. Once when we were at our grandmother's house, she made me eat one of her testings. It was like this mix of a crunch bar which she melted pepperoni on the top of in the microwave. It tasted so bad. The pepperoni juice had melted into the chocolate, and it made me feel like my stomach had flipped from top to bottom.
Another thing we made up when we were younger was Poor People's Pizza. The secret recipe was:
1) take one plastic plate
2) Put a flour tortilla on top
3) start pouring tomato sauce on it. or salsa
4) put as much shredded cheese on it as you possibly can
5) then pepperonis
6) microwave it until however long it takes for the cheese to melt and for the plate to meld into the tortilla to enjoy the carcinogenic goodness.
Even with these failures/ possibly cancerous successes, we actually did make some damn good nachos. We'd take doritos, melt cheese on them, and than dip them in salsa. If you're starting to sense a trend, you're completely right: our diets really did consist of melted cheese and whatever sauce would be slathered with it.
So this has been my food blog post, in appreciation of Christina's wonderful food blog. Can't wait for cupcakes Thursday!