Kid Flies To Vegas Without Boarding Pass, Which Is More Interesting Than The Hangover 3

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

CNN reports that a nine-year-old boy somehow was able to sneak on to a plane from Minneapolis to Las Vegas, without a boarding pass.

3 Questions That Arise From This Story

1. Will someone please lower the gambling age to 9? This kid obviously has massive luck to be able to pull this off while other people at the same airport were probably denied seats on flights due to overbooked planes.

2. Will someone please raise the gambling age back to 21? The kid did get caught before getting off the plane, so looks like he wasn’t as lucky as we initially thought.

3. A kid was able to board a plane all the way to Las Vegas, and you still can’t get an “A” in geography or finish eating your vegetables? (question only applies to nine-year-old readers, who must now go to their room.)