Kicking Rick Warren While He’s Down

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Rick (l) and Matthew (r) Warren

The shocking news came last night — that Matthew Warren, the 27-year-old son of mega-church pastor Rick Warren, had committed suicide.

Pastor of the 20,000-congregants strong Saddleback Valley Community Church in Southern California, Warren is author of the best-seller, The Purpose Driven Life, and the best-known name in American evangelism after Rev. Billy Graham.

FOTM has had our ideological differences with Warren in the past (see my post of Feb. 11, 2011, which is a re-publish of Marsha West’s article for NewsWithViews on Warren having gone New Age).

However, one thing we don’t do is kick a man when he’s down. That is heartless and just plain cruel. But that’s exactly what the vile hyenas on the Left are doing.

Cathy Lynn Grossman reports for USA Today, April 7, 2013, that while uncounted strangers have joined Warren’s 20,000 congregants, nearly 1 million Twitter followers, and hundreds of thousands of Facebook followers in flooding social media with consolation and prayer, “a shocking number are taking this moment of media attention to lash out at Warren…. The attacks are aimed at him personally and at his Christian message.”

The kicks dealt Warren when he’s down include:

  • Atheists telling Rick and Kay Warren, his wife and Matthew’s bereaved mother, that there’s no heaven where they’ll meet their son again. A Cincinnati reader on USA Today‘s news story on Matthew’s death commented that “Either there is no God, or God doesn’t listen to Rick Warren, despite all the money Rick has made off of selling false hope to desperate people” and that Warren should “abandon primitive superstitions and accept the universe for what it is — a place that is utterly indifferent to us.”
  • The homosexual proponents who heap on the Warrens’ pain because, in their view, he did not show sufficient compassion for the pain suffered by gay youths rejected by parents and peers. These oh-so-tolerant leftists remain outraged that Warren had supported Prop 8, which overturned legal same-sex marriage in California in 2008 and is now before the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • Others have appointed themselves dime-store theologians, debating whether someone (Matthew Warren) once saved can lose his salvation if suicide is against God’s law. These hyenas arrogantly have decided they know God’s mind and God’s judgment, declaring that Matthew is in hell.

Please say a prayer for the repose of the soul of Matthew Warren, and that his grieving parents find solace and peace in Christ.
