Kicking Energizing Green Smoothy!

By Sophies Foodie

This morning, I invented this lovely healthy Raw Vegan Gluten-free Kicking Energizing Green Smoothy! Ooh yes!


I also used a green healthy veggies from our garden. Could you guess which one?

Indeed, it is,….wait for it,…Black Kale! Yes!

Recipe: For 2 large smoothy glasses


500 ml purified water

2 sweeter apples, well-washed, pad dry, cored, cut up into chunks

1 piece of 3 cm x 3 cm fresh peeled ginger, cut up into chunks

1 tablespoon chia seeds

1 cup + 1/2 cup ( 45 gr) chopped, cleaned, black kale, big stems removed/ home-grown


  1. Place every ingredient in this order into your beloved Vitamix container. Place fitted lid & tamper in. Blend on High & full speed for about 15 seconds, using the tamper to push ingredients into the running blades. Pour into 2 large smoothy glasses & enjoy directly! You can taste the ginger, kale & the apples! Yummmmm! Enjoy, my sweeties! ;) ♥ Stay Tuned! If you liked this post & want more of them, join 1,365 email followers! Subscribe by email! It is free!
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Filed under: Breakfast, Dairy - Free, Drinks, Egg - Free, Gluten - Free, Raw, Smoothies & Juices, Vegan, Vegetarian