Kick Your Habits & Save Money!

By Ourbabyblog @OurBabyBlogx
One of my new years resolutions was to save more money and to budget more! I can honestly say that I have stuck to it really well and have already noticed the difference in my bank account! We all like a treat and to have nice things but sometimes we have to take a step back and work out everything outgoing and separate our wants from our needs!
There is a great interactive guide here that can help you out by asking you just a few questions about certain spendatures and explaining how you can save money and how much! Although neither Ben or I really drink and neither of us smoke, we did like to have the "occasional" takeaway and other treats too, we found out through the guide that we could save over £1800 a year! Now although you might think that's not really 'that' much, imagine having that extra money for Christmas! You could get so much more and really could treat your partner or little ones a little more than before! Below I have come up with 2 of my personal money saving ideas, even saving as little as £1 a week could really benefit you, that can equivalent to 4 packs of baby wipes a month or an extra pack of nappies..which as we all know, are not the cheapest of things!
Resist online shoppingIt's so easy now, you just go on your computer and can buy everything and anything you want, even if you are only going online to check your emails, you are inundated with ads and banners flashing at you with tempting sales and offers! Before you know it, you've signed up to 5 different websites and have shopping baskets fit to burst! This is probably one of the main things i've tried cutting down, because it's so easy to do and convenient too, you just end up doing it second nature! Sure you can browse and admire what you really really want, but unless you need it, try to resist! What i've started doing is going to charity shops in my town and have found some amazing bargains when it comes to baby bits & clothes, so you won't be breaking the bank and you'll be giving your money for a good cause too :)

Don't carry cashI didn't realize how much this would help, when you're out and about running errands, you put your hand in your pocket and feel a couple of £ coins, your instant thought is ooo I should spend this, lets get a drink or a chocolate bar or something, so if you're sat at home now, go through all your jeans and jacket pockets and retrieve any spare change in them and pop them into a jar or money bank and create an emergencies only stash, for example you're down to your last few nappies, you've run out of milk etc, you'll feel good knowing you didn't waste that money on chocolate or snacks and now you can use it for a necessity! Quite a lot of places don't take card payments unless you spend over £5 too, don't be tempted to buy a few more things just to buy that magazine, if it was a necessity you'd use the emergency cash!

Now i'm not saying don't ever treat yourself, but work out necessities first and wait till the end of the month to see what you have left over, then by all means get yourself or your partner something nice, or even your little one a new outfit or something, because you've saved that money and not wasted it through the month, you'll feel a sense of pride and won't be worrying about not having enough for the important things, that to me, is better than any chocolate bar!Happy saving :)x