Here I am kicking off 2012 on the blog with~
a recipe, none (gasp)
gluttony, of embarrassing proportions
weight gain, equally embarrassing
exercise, on the books
hope, heartful
smiles, from ear to ear
talk, a earful
a bucket, of love
a pail, of thanks
for all of you who have put up with my ups and downs, my oohs and my aahs whilst serving the world on a plate for all of two years now.
That's right, WEAVE A THOUSAND FLAVORS is now officially a toddler and is in the terrible two's so expect a year full of frequent mood changes and temper tantrums. Hang on a minute, isn't that where we've already been these last two years? So not only do we have a toddler on our hands, it seems we have a dysfunctional one!
Well what a two years it's been - for one, depending on whom you're talking to, we've gone from Obama to Heybama to Boobama! And no we aren't entering a world of political discourse on the blog, I'm just sayin'.
As for me, I can't wait to for another year of delicious, challenging and always fun eats, stories and more of hearing from all of you. The fact that we're still here goes to show how much your support, your comments, emails and friendship means to me.
Now I know that you all are just at a point when the post-holiday-blues are about to set in - no more gifts with Santa safely retired to the North pole for his year long zzzz......, so it is nothing short of providential that SARGENTO cheese has graciouslly offered one of my readers a whole years worth of free cheese!
So Say Fromage People!
That's 52 SARGENTO cheese coupons for one lucky winner that will entitle you to shop for Sargento's wide range of cheese products to their hearts content.
Apologies to my International readers but this one's only valid for folks in the US & Canada.
Now, the important part – To Enter: You can enter in one of three ways -
- Subscribe to Weave A Thousand Flavors via RSS or via email
- Follow me on Twitter (@weaveflavors)
- Like 'Weave A Thousand Flavors' on Facebook
- If you are a fellow blogger please pass the word along on your blog/fan page etc
Post a comment here letting me know which option above you chose and what your favorite cheesey dish is. If you already are a subscriber, follower, or 'like' Weave A Thousand Flavors on Facebook, just leave a comment indicating that – it will count as your entry.
This giveaway will be open until Friday, January 15th 2012 at 11:59pm PST. I’ll be announcing the winner on shortly thereafter.
So here's to a GREAT 2012!