The Thinking Man sculpture at Musée Rodin in Paris (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
B.C. Forbes shares these thoughts on ideas,
“Edward H. Harriman, then undisputed ruler of several railway empires, remarked that he liked to drop into an executive’s office and find him with his feet on the desk. The chances were, he reasoned, that the man was taking time off to do nothing but think. Is it your experience – it is mine – that ideas can be hatched much more freely when not immersed in routine duties?… The subconscious mind seems to function most fruitfully when one’s nose is not on the grindstone.”
So now we incorporate my other mostly continual theme – thinking – when are you spending time thinking?
When do you get lost in thought so ideas can pop up?
My challenge to you today – can you put your feet up and think sometime in your schedule? Allowing ideas to arrive?
You Create Your Day by the way You Think! Be Present!
Go make it a Magnificent Day!
Blessings, Shawna