Autographing books at the KRA Young Authors Day
Last Saturday I was one of four authors invited to speak to Kern County students in celebration of Young Author Day sponsored by the Kern County Reading Association. The event was held at the Larry S. Reider education building in downtown Bakersfield. The weekend began on Friday night with a delicious potluck dinner at Teresa's Twisselman’s home (KRA has wonderful cooks!) It was also a wonderful opportunity to chat with KRA members and the other authors, Joan Bransfield Graham, Jeff Stone, and Jane Tenorio-Coscarelli. On Saturday morning we each had two sessions to speak with the children and two autographing sessions. Books were provided by Russo's book store in Bakersfield. All went very well and I had enthusiastic groups of students.Many of the students who came were from the Bakersfield City School district's Migrant Education program and had come on buses from their schools.
I thank Sandra Yoon for coordinating my visit and for the lovely welcome basket waiting for me in my hotel room. I also thank Nancy Cox for being my driver and everyone in KRA who contributed to making Young Authors Day a success.