KERLAN COLLECTION: Archiving My Book Materials

By Carolinearnoldtravel @CarolineSArnold

Kerlan Collection archive, University of Minnesota Libraries

The Kerlan Collection at the Children’s Literature Research Collections at the University of Minnesota is an internationally recognized center of research in the field of children’s literature. The Collection contains original materials, including manuscripts, artwork, galleys, and color proofs for more than 1,700 children’s book creators. These materials represent over a century of American children’s books and selected titles published in other countries. The Kerlan Collection also includes more than 110,000 children’s books.

The Children's Research Collections are at the Elmer L. Anderson Library 

On my recent trip to Minneapolis, I visited the Kerlan Collection to donate some of my book materials. (Over the years I have made several donations.) It was a delight to talk with Lisa Von Drasek, the Director, and to get a tour of the archives, deep below the library in cavernous light and temperature controlled rooms. 

Special lifts bring librarians up to the top shelves.

Lisa pulled out one box to show me the artist’s dummy for Amelia Bedelia by Peggy Parrish, a book that had been a favorite of my children when they were young. The original pen and ink drawings were there, along with blocks of text taped in place, and hand-written comments from the editor. It is a one-of-a-kind treasure.

Artist's dummy for Amelia Bedelia

I am proud to have my work included in the Kerlan Collection. I am now motivated to continue going through my book boxes to organize additional material to donate.