Kerala University

By Subha Bose
 University of Kerala was established in 1937 by a promulgation of Maharaja of Travancore, Sir Chithira Thirunal Balarama Varma. It is one of the first 16 university in India. This university is approved by UGC and AICTE.
Kerala University
Kerala university has over 150 affiliated colleges, of these
  • 60 are arts and science colleges
  • 17 engineering colleges
  • 9 MBA/MCA colleges
  • 37 teacher training colleges
  • 4 medical colleges
  • 2 law college
  • 4 ayurveda colleges
  • 2 homeopathy colleges
  • 4 pharmacy colleges
  • 2 fine arts colleges
  • 1 siddha medical college and 
  • 1 music college
This university follows choice based credit and semester system for post graduate courses.
Some interesting facts of kerala university :
  •  Their library has over 65,000 works and 30,000 copies mainly of leaf manuscript. In addition it has some paper manuscript, a few copper plates and  writing on birch bark, are also found in the collections. About of 80 % of these collection are written in the ancient language Sanskrit.
  • World's first Malayalam conference was organised by university of Kerala in 1977.
  • University has honored many scholars. scientist, technologist, artists and leaders. Amartya sen, K.J. Jesudas, Laurie Baker, M. S. Subbulakshmi, O.N.K. Kurup, are a few among the recipients.
This university is located in Thiruvananthapuram, the capital of Kerala. Kerala university offers many courses, they even have a study course for nanotechnology. If you want to have a detailed idea about all the courses that are available along with the fee structure, faculty, and a sneak peak of the university check out You can even apply for the courses offered in the Kerala university through CollegeDunia, they made it an easy task.