Kentucky Catholic Students at Pro-Life March Mock Native Americans; Michael Sean Winters Childes Catholics Lukewarm Re: Pro-Life Movement — Side-by-Side Stories

Posted on the 19 January 2019 by William Lindsey @wdlindsy
After Michael Sean Winters shook his finger at liberal Catholics for being insufficiently pro-life as the March for Life was staged, will he now address the "pro-life" behavior of the group of students from a Catholic school in Covington, KY, who came to D.C. for that march? /1— 𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚊𝚖 𝙳. 𝙻𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚜𝚎𝚢 (@wdlindsy) January 19, 2019

I'm speaking of the group of Catholic students wearing MAGA hats who mocked native Americans while the students were in D.C. for the "pro-life" march.
What will it take for "centrist" Catholics like Winters to understand what the "pro-life" movement has made of itself? /2— 𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚊𝚖 𝙳. 𝙻𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚜𝚎𝚢 (@wdlindsy) January 19, 2019
On what the Covington Catholic high school students did, see this report by WHAS in Louisville, stating, 
The students were in Washington for the March for Life, an annual anti-abortion rally happening on the same day as the Indigenous Peoples March.

The website of Covington Catholic has an announcement of the school's intent to participate in the March for Life, linking to a letter to parents stating,
Once again this year we offer our students the opportunity to participate in this most worthwhile event, the 46th anniversary of the March for Life, demonstrating our support for all Life, "born and unborn."

Students from Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky wearing #MAGA hats mocked an elder at the #IndigenousPeoplesMarch on the national mall. The Superintendent of Schools Diocese of Covington @supmikeclines was in DC with them.
Call the Catholic school at 859-491-2247— Leau Est La Vie Camp (@NoBayouBridge) January 19, 2019

For those keeping track, here’s who has commented (and condemned) on the video:
* Nuns
* Priests
* Catholic theologians
* A nearby diocese
* Elected officials
Here’s who hasn’t:
* The Catholic school the students allegedly attend
* That school’s diocese— Jack Jenkins (@jackmjenkins) January 19, 2019

Yesterday National Catholic Reporter published an essay by Michael Sean Winters entitled. "Liberal Catholics have work to do to support consistent ethic of life," in which Winters shakes his finger at liberal Catholics for, as he perceives it, not supporting the pro-life cause with sufficient ardor. Winters emphasizes (see the title of the essay) that the pro-life cause is about supporting a "consistent" ethic of life.
Perhaps someone might explain to Mr. Winters that filthy racism is not pro-life. And perhaps someone might inform him that the "pro-life" demonstrators at this event cheered Mr. Trump, whose policies are not in any shape, form, or fashion pro-life.
But, honestly, what's the use? If the Winters of the Catholic journalistic world can't see by now how anti-life the movement they are calling pro-life has become, and if they can't see the handwriting on the wall about what the pro-life movement means in reality after 6 in 10 white Catholics put Donald Trump in the White House as they claimed to vote pro-life, then they aren't going to see. 
Because they don't want to see.