Kelly and Anthony’s Modern Wedding at Wasing Park

By Claire

Kelly wears a won­der­ful dress by Eng­lish designer Kate Sher­ford, and Anthony’s suit is a smart her­ring­bone style from Stafford Tai­lor­ing. They used sim­ple but very ele­gant white flower bou­quets and dec­o­ra­tions, and a deep teal color for brides­maids and table decor through­out the venue. The light in the glass cer­e­mony room is fab­u­lous, and the rus­tic con­verted barn where the wed­ding break­fast takes place is warm and welcoming.

All today’s images are by the very lovely Karen Flower Pho­tog­ra­phy. Karen is a Sur­rey wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher known for her con­tem­po­rary reportage style. You can find out more about her at

Huge con­grat­u­la­tions to Kelly and Anthony! I’m so proud to have you on the Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog this morn­ing. Thank you so much for a won­der­ful wed­ding report and for allow­ing me to share your beau­ti­ful wed­ding with every­one today. Claire x

A mod­ern wed­ding at Was­ing Park — Kelly and Anthony

The bride and groom:

Kelly and Anthony Huxley

Wed­ding venue:

Was­ing Park, Read­ing, Berkshire

Wed­ding photographer:

Karen Flower Photography

How would you describe your wed­ding style?

Mod­ern with a rus­tic feel but styl­ish. Cream roses through­out with teal green color scheme.

Invi­ta­tions and recep­tion stationery:

Sil­hou­ette bride and groom style invitations

What did you both wear?

I wore a Kate Sher­ford dress– ‘Petra’ from a gor­geous bou­tique bridal bou­tique in Fleet, Hamp­shire called Tilly Mint. Shoes from Next Bridal and acces­sories were a gift from my hus­band from Tilly Mint also.

Groom: all match­ing suits (her­ring­bone) from Stafford Tai­lor­ing in Fleet, Hamp­shire. We had sil­ver waist­coats for every­one with match­ing teal green from the brides­maid dress for the cra­vats– except Anthony who wore silver.

The wed­ding ceremony

The cer­e­mony was in the gar­den room at Was­ing Park which is sit­u­ated at the back of the venue behind the barn! It was all glass and the room was full of bright day­light. As I walked down the path towards it the shut­ters came down so I couldn’t be seen by the guests until I was walk­ing down the aisle!

I had my 3 older brides­maids with me. My two best friends Louise and Katy and my sis­ter Laura fol­lowed by my two nieces Chloe and Carys and my two cousins Madi­son and Eloise. As I arrived and got in place James Mor­ri­son– You Make It Real played and the amaz­ing cer­e­mony started.

Tell us a lit­tle about your wed­ding venue styling and details:

Our wed­ding venue was a con­verted barn, so it was very mod­ern but had old fea­tures. We chose to do a cham­pagne and cock­tail theme. Table cen­tre­pieces were large mar­tini /champagne flutes filled with flow­ers. The names of the tables were cham­pagne names… ours being Bollinger as Anthony pro­posed to me with this in a barn in Corn­wall )))

Our favours were Jelly Belly Cock­tail Clas­sics (cock­tail flavor sweets-yum) in cham­pagne flutes for the guests to eat and take away with them.

We dec­o­rated the cer­e­mony room with can­dles and lanterns with scat­tered petals down the aisle. The barn and cer­e­mony room was just so gor­geous it didn’t need much decoration.

Wed­ding music and entertainment:

We had for the cer­e­mony our friend Gavin Thomas (Gavin and his gui­tar) for the cer­e­mony music and In between the recep­tion) fol­lowed by Moon­raker Disco for the evening.

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments:

where do i start…

  • Wak­ing up with my mum, nan, sis­ter and two best friends on a glo­ri­ous sunny morn­ing know­ing in just a few hours I was mar­ring Anthony was the best feeling.
  • Step­ping into my dress with my brides­maids around me and adding the fin­ish­ing touches just as my dad walked in with the biggest smile on his face!!!!!!! He was sooooo happy and I couldn’t wait to do this.
  • Most mem­o­rable was stand­ing behind the closed doors to the aisle and ‘our song’ com­ing on. It just hit me and I had to hold back the tears as Dad took away my veil from my face and Anthony was just stand­ing there and he took my hand gave it the biggest squeeze and was just beam­ing with a smile. Was the scari­est and most nerve wrack­ing thing, yet absolutely won­der­ful feel­ing that me and Anthony will never forget.

Wed­ding day advice:

Do not stress. Plan and get things done early so you can enjoy it. It’s soooo spe­cial. I didn’t stress once (except when my cake fell over on the jour­ney to the venue the night before)

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers: