Keeping Me Together

By Wickedying @wickedying

Contrary to one might expect, this isn’t a Look of the Day post. I ran out of photos to share but I had to find a way to relieve the itch to write. After a series of nonstop blog hopping plus novel-reading activities this week, I’ve gained a few insights that I would rather jot down than have every piece of it forgotten in memory due to late night contemplations.

A recent post I’ve read is the 14 Tips for a Less Materialistic Lifestyle — basically this is a guide on how you can take control of your life so the things you own don’t end up owning you. It is also a friendly reminder that the impulse to buy (and hoard?) signifies that you’re filling an ‘internal void‘. To sum it all up, go on a purge and avoid the splurge. I keep this article on my tab to remind myself not to go into another episode of spending sprees. I hope you find this article helpful too!

Next, I came across this Take Comfort in Knowing post by JL and you can tell that what she’s going through isn’t easy. We often find ourselves weighing between things and deciding what happens for the future. As per her terms, it is ‘emotionally taxing‘. Getting over a recent break up and blogging about self-empowerment (the comfort of being alone), her recent posts will overwhelm you with ambivalence. You can be hurt and be inspired at the same time, which for me is an article definitely worth reading.

We learn from the experience we gain and that shouldn’t be tossed into the bin of regrets. Speaking of… REGRET is a big word. I hate hearing it, to be honest. It can come clashing especially when one is in deep fear of rejection. In a world of make believe and false sense of self, having someone regret anything that has to do with you can be the saddest, derogatory, and catastrophic predicament one can be in. We wouldn’t want that, right?

Lastly, for an OOTD-related article, I found’s Tips to Level Up Your Look Photos. It is a short list of suggestions on what you can do to improve your outfit shots.

How about you? What have you read lately?