"most important accessory a woman could own"
I'm sure most of you are aware of how important a handbag is and what a statement it can be to an outfit. They are an accessory category all of their own, and finding the perfect one can become a lifelong endeavour! I have been on a hunt for the perfect handbag for about 4 months now, and it's really difficult!! Finding something that is fashionable, but roomy and not forgetting practical, can be tough. I like to have one main bag that if I dont pre plan my outfit I know I can use that bag and all will be fine. I am aware most women have lots of handbags for various outfits and occassions, I have my trusty accesorize black bow bag for daily use, then have my Vivienne Westwood handbag for the summer and special outtings. With my black bow bag Its been used a lot, I got it about 2 years ago and its been a classic so have kept using it. It's starting to fall apart so the time has come to move on.... As it's been gorgeously sunny I've decided to invest in a summer handbag...
I'm in LOVE with this bag!
I couldn't think of a better bag to use for the sunny months that we have coming. Light in color with pastel hints and a decent size... what is not to love! It looks like it would certain fit the kitchen sink in and my hat stand so it will certainly be a winner for SS12! Make sure you have a look at how beautiful this Next Snake Effect Bag is for a bargain of £28.00
Now I know what you'll be thinking when I suggest the next bag...
If you'd prefer more girlie colours but still want to remain patriotic then look no further...
You know I said I wasn't sure what bag I was looking for... I may now be a bit spoilt for choice!!
Roll on Summer!