Inside the house it’s a slightly different story. Even when we leave our dirty shoes outside to dry, somehow bits of mud get tracked into the kitchen. I don’t mind vacuuming but I really don’t want to get out a mop and a pail when I don’t need to clean the whole kitchen floor. Or the hallway. Or the bathroom. (Yes, we have lots of hardwood floors.)
Besides the fact that we’re supposed to be saving water due to drought, I’m looking for an easy way to clean the floor…something that might even be FUN! Something with no scent. Something that doesn’t spread chemicals through the air in our house.
Last summer I saw a mop demonstrated at the BlogHer14 conference and I never forgot it. That’s why I was excited when the Bona®US company contacted me and offered to send a Bona® Hardwood Floor Mop Express to try out. It has a sprayer built in so it’s easy to mop up spills or do a quick touch-up when company is coming. On a farm like ours the kitchen table is used for business meetings at a moment’s notice! That kitchen floor needs to look nice, since our kitchen is our conference room.
“Bona is the first in its industry to carry a full system of hardwood floor finishing and floor care products certified for indoor air quality.”
Bona has been recognized for formula innovations that are pH-neutral and non-toxic.
What kind of floor cleaner are you? Are you a Perfectionist? A Social Butterfly? A Multitasker? Or a Dancing Queen? Take the quiz and let me know! Here’s the link . Go take the quiz, enter the contest, and then come back and let me know your cleaning personality! And then…guess which one I am!
By the way, I really do like this handy little mop with the sprayer on it. Much easier than carrying around the spray bottle. The floor cleaning formula has no scent at all and I appreciate the certification for indoor air quality. The floor is clean and looks beautiful. I’m grateful to Bona for contacting me about sharing this promotion with my readers.
Disclosure: I was not paid to write this post, but agreed to share this promotion with you. Bona provided me with a Floor Mop Express to try out. I bought the food cleaner refill at Target. I saw a huge display of Bona products at Lowe’s last weekend too. All opinions and experiences are my own.