Keeping It Casual

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom
Recently one of my readers shared (via this poll) that she is planning to un-follow a few blogs due the sponsored content in their posts. I cannot quote her, as I haven't asked for her permission and now I am already typing this post but it got me thinking what is the appropriate sponsored content for a blog to post? 
After much deliberation (of like less than 2 minutes) I think it would depend on the blogging frequency. For someone who blogs every day or at least 5 times a week and blogging IS their full-time job, then I think once a week would be acceptable. But if someone blogs twice a month and every second post is a sponsored post without any personal perspective then I think I might un-follow that blog too. 
It would also matter whether the brand/product they are talking about it is in conjunction with the theme of their blog or not. A fashion blogger who has never spoken about cooking or food suddenly selling kitchen utensils is rather annoying funny. No?
This is what I wore to go see my CPA this weekend.  Was trying to keep it non-fancy. Did I succeeded? :) Blouse - Equipment // Other Options Jeans - miss 60 // Other Options Heels - ALDO // Similar