Title: Keeper of SoulsAuthor: Casey BondGenre: Paranormal Romance, HorrorCover Designer: Regina Wamba at Mae I Design & PhotographyEditor: Stacy Sanford, The Girl with the Red PenHosted by: Lady Amber’s PR
Carmen Kennedy finally feels normal. Enrolled in college, she’s making a few friends and taking life one day at a time. Her days are filled with classes, studying, and attempting to be more social, while her nights are filled with terrifying dreams. All of her nightmares have one thing in common: him. She can’t see his face, but a flash of dark feathers is all it takes to remind her of The Keeper of Crows. He isn’t supposed to be real.
There is a world that exists beneath the fabric of our own, a torturous place filled with despair. The Keeper is there; Carmen just has to find out why and if there is a way to help him leave that place. Her sanity and life will be threatened, but she can’t ignore his screams any longer.
When love exists, it doesn’t matter the distance. It finds a way to remind you.
Will love be enough to save Michael and Carmen when The Keeper of Souls stands in their way?
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Keeper of Crows: http://amzn.to/2n1dkFH
Keeper of Souls: http://amzn.to/2qwUqdu