Keegan-Michael Key Got Engaged

Posted on the 14 November 2017 by Sumithardia

Keegan-Michael Key Got Engaged

I hope Keegan-Michael Key’s ex-wife (or hopefully, soon to be ex-wife) Cynthia Blaise was relaxed and sitting in a comfy chair this morning when she read the news that KMK is engaged to be married to producer and director Elisa Pugliese. Cynthia and KMK were married for over 15 years. The divorce was hard on Cynthia who claimed she developed PTSD and had to gobble pills to cope. Who could blame her really when she reportedly supported him through the lean years. Hell, I gobble pills to cope and I’m not going through shit. Hopefully she’s been well compensated and has moved on too because there’s no putting this new horse back in the barn.

KMK announced the engagement on Twitter.

She shows me every day that each one of us has the ability to help make the world a better place. I’m the luckiest man ever. She said yes!

— Keegan-Michael Key (@KeeganMKey) November 14, 2017

Congratulations to the blurry couple!

According to E! News:

While the couple has kept their romance on the more private side, fans may remember the duo stepping onto red carpets during 2017 Emmys weekend as well as this year’s Tony Awards and BAFTA Tea Party event.

Both new wife to be Elisa and ex wife to be Cynthia are in the business but keep a low key media presence so we’re unlikely to see any public displays of messiness. Nobody wants to see a nasty cat fight over that upcoming Lion King money!


Source: Keegan-Michael Key Got Engaged

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