Kayaker Encounters 80,000 Lb 'Humpback Whale' (Video)

Posted on the 28 August 2013 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos
By Susan Duclos
A kayaker, Karen Hatch, got up close and personal with a 40-foot, 80,000 lb Humpback whale while she was out on the water in Monterey Bay, and amazingly another kayaker and friend of Karen's, caught it with a camera.
"When I took the photo I was really scared, well, I didn't know what was going to happen to Karen. When I got back to land, I realized that was probably the best photo I've ever seen," Giancarlo Thomae said.

While that had to be an amazing moment for Karen and the witnesses, I would imagine it was also a bit terrifying.
Karen is interviewed in the video below, describing the moment.

Cross posted at Before It's News