Kawasaki Motors has officially launched the new version of the Ninja 300 in India. It is priced starting at Rs 3.43 lakh (ex-showroom). The 300 cc sports bike can be chosen in three different color options. They are – Lime Green, Candy Lime Green and Metallic Moondust Grey. The company claims that the performance and riding dynamics of the 2023 Kawasaki Ninja 300 have improved compared to the previous one.
2023 Kawasaki Ninja 300 launched
The Japanese two-wheeler maker has said that the base color of the Kawasaki Ninja 300 is a lime green paint scheme with black graphics on the fairing with red highlights. The bike comes with styling to intensify the racing excitement. The candy lime green paint theme is a dual-tone color. Its side panel and fuel tank have graphics artwork present. The Metallic Moondust Gray model, on the other hand, comes with a gray finish. Green color is prominent in its overall design.
2023 Kawasaki Ninja 300 Engine and Features
The new Kawasaki Ninja 300 comes with a liquid cooled, four stroke, parallel twin 296 cc, DOHC, eight-valve engine. The engine with fuel injection system will produce 39 PS of power and 26.1 Nm of torque. As a result, this is the most powerful 300 cc bike in the country. It features dual channel ABS, heat management technology, race derived clutch technology for comfort, advanced atomizing injectors and dual throttle valves to enhance overall performance.
Kawasaki claims the new version of the Ninja 300 has a high-performance diamond chassis, assist and slipper clutch, exhaust with a small silencer, which will produce less noise. Besides, multiple lean angles present in it will help in providing high speed.