Katy Bowman Teams Up with Softstar for Movement Retreat

By Softstar @Soft_Star_Shoes

"You are how you move." ~ Katy Bowman

If you're a regular follower of our blog, then you already know we're big fans of Katy Bowman. The renowned author and biomechanist has helped many people restore movement to their daily routines to live healthier and more fulfilling lives.

Katy has become a good friend to the Softstar crew over the years, which is not surprising since we're all working toward the same goal of encouraging our fans to get on their feet, restore natural function to their bodies and get moving. When Katy approached us about the possibility of working together on a movement retreat, we enthusiastically says YES!

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Here are all the fun details:

Will Work (and Walk!) for Shoes: A Movement Matters Retreat

March 10: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM & March 11: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Join Katy Bowman and a community of your fellow movers in stunning Corvallis and Philomath, Oregon, for two days of laboring, walking, and reveling in the ecology of our movement.

Cost: $490

At this innovative and exciting Movement Matters retreat, you’ll join Katy Bowman in Oregon to engage in movement that matters—to our bodies, our communities, and our planet.

Spend day one at the delightful Softstar Shoes headquarters in Philomath, OR—meeting the Elves and experiencing the facility that produces amazing movement-friendly minimalist shoes. After 90 minutes of alignment work for your hands, shoulders, knees, hips, and spine, you’ll take your movement out of the lab and begin following instructions to work on your own pair of Roo Moccasins (as the retreat gets closer you’ll get to pick if you’d like all brown or NM logo colors; see the pictures below). From the first stitch to the finished product, you’ll learn about and be part of the process of handcrafting shoes—Slow Fashion shoes made entirely without sweatshops. To take a break from the great indoors, we’ll walk a couple of miles over a river to Gathering Together Farm, where we’ll enjoy nourishing local food and community for lunch. After lunch, we’ll walk back and take a class about the wonderful, complex machinery of your feet, followed by a book reading and more footwear labor.

Day two takes us to the McDonald Forest Trails, where we’ll spend the day sampling various textures and terrain (about 15 miles’ worth) in both small and large groups. Together we’ll learn how to prepare our bodies and our minds for longer walks, and in the company of other movers who are working out how their movement matters, we will learn what we’re capable of. Relax your eyes and mind in this gorgeous research forest, work your feet in unique and novel ways, and experience the whole-body benefits of walking over natural surfaces.

Attendance is limited to 30 participants.

Registration Required: YES Cost: $490 USD Scroll to the bottom, click on the name of the course where it appears again, and you'll see the green ENROLL NOW button.

Included: Some meals (lunch and light tapas dinner day one and trail snacks and lunch day two, gluten-free and vegan options available), one pair of adult Roo Moccasins, and all instruction.

Please note accommodations are not included.

Additional notes: To get a sense of accommodation costs, search hotel.com, vrbo.com, airbnb.com, and Google for places to stay in Philomath or Corvallis, Oregon. There are also campgrounds in the area. Caregivers with infants are welcome. Due to our labor with sharp tools in a working shoe factory, this is not an appropriate event for toddlers and run-a-rounders.

You’re welcome to attend any portion of the retreat, but we can’t provide discounts for partial attendance.

Cancellation Policy: Cancellation within two weeks of the event will not be refunded. Cancellations more than two weeks before the event will receive a refund, minus a $50 processing fee.

Sound good? Class size is very limited, so if this excites you then get ready to sign up on the




" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Nutritious Movement website:

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