Katy B Killing It ...

Posted on the 17 November 2013 by Tlb Music Blog @TLB_Blog
We've never really cared for Katy B's music. We found her vocal relatively humdrum, and the backdrops they were sprawled across equally as mundane ... therefore, everything from her upcoming album had been put on hold at TLB HQ, until we stumbled across her latest single, Crying For No Reason, and simply had to put it as today's feature.
The thing is, Katy B could still be described as someone who has one of those voices that, whilst being absolutely glorious technically, doesn't actually do all that much ... however, the way in which it's used in this track is a lot less Cheryl Cole, and a lot more genuine. There seems to be a real hurt to her, which we've not really heard before and, despite this not straying from her electro-house music roots, she really does manage to tone it down and give off a really stunning vibe.
When it does all come in percussion wise, the synth isn't too overpowering and, likewise, the beats and beams aren't all that ridiculous that you end up in another drug-fuelled and meaningless romp of a track.
We reckon this is comparable to a fair few big names in the industry, though, not on their own. The likes of Beyonce, Emeli Sande, and Foxes all come to mind, although, they could only be considered remotely similar if they were to collaborate with Disclosure ... this is ready made and fantastic!!
The only weakness we feel that this track really has is the middle eight. Something about it just doesn't fit quite so stunningly ... it could actually be the fact that it could be considered too similar to the rest of track, however, in essence, this really is a turn around for Katy B, and we won't be holding her in such low regard anymore. More of this, Katy, and you'll be right at the top of it all!!