Kate Spade Comes to Savannah

By Lifeonthesquares @lifeonthesqs

Kate Spade Savannah After
Right now, Savannah is an exciting place to be – Whole Foods is on the brink of opening, Anthropologie just announced an opening, and Kate Spade is rumored to be hitting 319 West Broughton Street!  Anthropologie announced it’s plans to come to Savannah last week, and I have heard much buzz the past few days that Kate Spade is also coming to Savannah. The rumor that Kate Spade is coming to Savannah seems valid after the brand submitted a plan to the Metropolitan Planning Commission, but it would still need to be approved. I don’t want to jinx this, but if this happens…it is like a dream come true because Kate Spade is one of my favorite brands! I have recently become so obsessed with Kate Spade Saturday. Have you checked it out yet? If not, it is an absolute must!
Kate-Spade-Savannah The fact that Savannah doesn’t already have these stores may seem “so 2000-and-late” (yes, I’m quoting the Blackeyed Peas) to those of you living in larger cities, but I am uber-excited nonetheless.  When I lived in Dallas, I frequented Anthropologie & Kate Spade in NorthPark mall, and cannot wait to do the same in downtown Savannah! For local Savannahians, what do you think about these stores coming to our lovely city? For those of you not local to Savannah, does your city have an Anthro or Kate Spade? Do you love these stores? Would love to hear what everyone thinks! Hope everyone has a great day back from the holiday! XO, Stefanie