Kate Middleton’s “love Affair” with Designer Alexander McQueen

By Kena @campchic

The Duchess of Cambridge has a serious love affair with designer Alexander McQueen. Who can blame her. One can only guess that her affections for UK Designer increased after she wed Prince William. Ms. Burton (creative director at Alexander McQueen) was the brilliant design force behind The Duchess’s insanely gorgeous wedding dress. Alexander McQueen is my all time favorite designer! Hands down. No discussion. I’ve been in love with his collections, since I discovered haute couture. This post is to highlight the limitless design skills of Sarah Burton. Ms. Burton has single-handedly designed a sleuth of youthful, classic, sophisticated, and stunning pieces for the Duchess. I heart everything she has designed. EVERYTHING! Rumor has it that the Duchess of Cambridge has already tapped Burton to outfit her during her pregnancy. Alexander McQueen + maternity clothes = AH-mazing! Most people “ooh ahh” over Kate Middleton but I “ooh ahh” over Sarah Burton and her EPIC design creations. She is EXTRAORDINARY! Long Live McQueen!

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