Kari Lake and Election Denial

Posted on the 21 October 2022 by Doggone

I occassionally watch Fox News for an opposing opinion, which is where I heard about Kari Lake. I am pretty sure I don't agree with her on most issues, but her being questioned about "election denial" was very interesting. One thing I learned is that one needs to use the same vocabulary when discussing an issue. If "election denial" is a term meaning that there is some sort of conspiracy to steal an election, then it makes things look like anyone who points out the fact that US elections are anything other than free and fair and held on a secret ballot sound cray-cray.

On the other hand, one of the essential principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is:

Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. . . . The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures."

Article 21, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948

The United States and other western nations spent a good part of the 20th Century pushing these principles on other countries, yet the US has moved further and further from this principle since the end of the Cold War.

The funny thing is that the election denial comes from the results of the electoral college and the fact that US elections are not "democratic".  Bernie Sanders would probably be president if that were the case.

And people would probably love him. Just remember that Vermont is pretty much a "red state", and I mean that in the ass backward US sense where "red" is conservative. Otherwise, it might make sense that they have a socialist representing them. Yet another thing which gets lost in the US media. 

Which is another thing Kari Lake attacks.

The reality is that the US needs serious election reform, yet it won't get it if it obfuscates the issues. The Electoral College is problematic, yet no one is willing to address it. Point out that Trump won the election despite losing the popular vote and his supporters aren't upset. I won't get into the machinations of the 2020 elections, but they are another glaring example of the need for election reform in the US. Had Barack Obama won an election with only 23% of the vote, I am sure that the people defending the "Constitution" would realize what an Amendment actually means and that the founders were well willing to use that process when the Constitution proved to need tweaking.

After all, the 12th Amendment was enacted in 1803 to reform the electoral college after a heavily contested election (Election of 1800).

Maybe what is needed is to have some serious, adult discussions about the issues facing the United States instead of tossing ad hominems.

See also: https://www.bitchute.com/video/P5ayS6uzV5c6/