Karen Lorenz of While Darcey Sleeps Shares Five Things

By Djridings @fivethingsnow

1. I walk every day in our local woods, getting outside even if it’s not in woods is very important, watch the seasons change, meet your neighbours, look at other peoples gardens and connect with your community.

2. I paint every day because since December it’s been my job! But I think everyone can get creative:-make some time to knit,garden, write a blog, whatever floats your boat!

3. Meditate or be mindful, I use the Buddhify app. But there are loads, mindfulness controls my anxiety and keeps me sane!

4. I start the day with Deliciously Ella’s chocolate mint shake, whilst the rest of the day’s food might not be perfect this gets me going in the right direction!

5. I watch crime documentaries almost every day, I like to stretch my mind away from my idyllic job and consider what causes offending and how we deal with offenders.

Karen Lorenz 

While Darcey Sleeps