Kamut and Walnut Loaf Cake

By Thecookspyjamas @thecookspyjamas

The Princess has told me she likes this Kamut and Walnut Loaf Cake more than any other cake I make. Apparently it is "not as dense" as some of my other creations. To be honest, I'm not too sure how to take that.

The food processor is fast becoming my preferred cake-making appliance. Probably because the cake can be in the oven in under five minutes, if I'm quick. Whilst these food processor cakes are unlikely to win any prizes at our local Royal Agricultural show, they are perfect for staving off hunger in the grumpy teenager. And the grumpy husband.

This recipe is an adaptation from one of my most loved cookbooks; Quick Mix Cakes by the Australian Woman's Weekly. My slightly dog-eared copy, which was a Christmas present from my Nan many, many years ago, has been well used over time. Even though I no longer bake with white sugar and prefer to use alternative flours, I still refer to this book every few weeks to re-stock the cake tin, and have become very adept at changing recipes to incorporate my preferred ingredients.

One of my current favourite flours is Kamut, which is also sold as Khorosan. Kamut is an ancient grain that adds a nutty, buttery flavour to baked goods and pastry, and it works particularly well with the walnuts in this recipe. In Australia, it is primarily sold by Bob's Red Mill, and I have also bought it from online organic companies. If you cannot find Kamut flour, then use wholemeal spelt or wheat instead.

I consider this an everyday cake, one that is perfect to tuck into lunchboxes, so I never bother to frost it. Any attempt to do so in my house results in little piles of picked off frosting next to the sink, which I take as The Princess's way of saying "why did you bother?". Sometimes I wonder that myself.

P.S. If you are looking for more quick cakes, check out my 5 minute Food Processor Chocolate Apple Cake.

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