Kaleidoscopic Ramblings – Episode 2

Posted on the 15 May 2016 by Krickeyb

Happy Sunday! Today, David and I sat down to chat about some tips for those interested in having a destination wedding, as well as our thoughts on marriage so far. It may be early, but we wanted to update every so often with our experiences and thoughts on the topic.

In our discussion, we play a short round of the Newlywed Game, share what we believe we could improve upon in the future, and how the wedding being completed relieved a lot of our stress!

Check it out and let us know what you think. I will be recording another episode as soon as possible!

Today’s unwarranted life lesson from a married woman: Never leave the kitchen without asking your significant other if he/she wants something instead of coming back empty handed. 

Stay tuned for more from Kaleidoscopic Ramblings. Happy Listening!