The Rwandan president Paul Kagame during his nazi-type speech of June 30th, 2013 before the Rwandan youth, during which he asked all Hutus, especially the Hutu youth, to apologize for the genocide against Tutsi committed by their parents and relatives. But will his Tutsi peers apologize for the genocide committed against Hutu since October 1st, 1990, this inside Rwanda, and then inside the Democratic Republic of Congo?
This is the Rwandan president Paul Kagame on a subject which was lost in his controversial speech of June 30th 2013. It is about how we human beings all over the world are so similar. While he does such references, Kagame goes on in his government’s policies treating people so differently, by killing some of them in the millions, and or oppressing others in the millions too. It is difficult to understand how a same brain can be inhabited by so striking contradictions.
“There was this person where I was abroad who was telling us recently, in his speech he was referring to issues of reconciliation. He spoke of genetics. He told us that what makes people different, all the people around the world, in fact, – all is about misunderstanding-, even these people who are only different from us by the color of their skin, who live outside, when they come then say that they are superior, therefore we need to obey them, what they tell us is what we must follow, …heen… you know that. Did you know that they originated from where we stand here? [Audience claps]
What they only did, they went thousands of miles round and came back here. But it is here where they come from, all of them. Wherever you will go, wonder where they come from? Here. Here where they come back to give us lessons, it is here. [By doing so] it is like they have come back home. That is what science says. And that is how things are. It is not even very long time ago. Only 90,000 years. [Audience laughs]. It is not far from today. It took that short period of time for people to darken their skins …hee… But what the speaker was telling us at the time was that all of us, what might be differentiating us is like 0.5%. It is not 5%. Haann…. 0.5%, per cent; everything else: 99.5% we are all the same.
But, he made a very good point, but even if we are 99.5% similar, you find that all of us, we spend time looking into the 0.5% which differentiates us instead of the 99.5%. That is what people get interested in and even sometimes search for things which are not there. Listen, would I have something common with someone in Europe, in China, in Latin America, even if we don’t have the same skin colour, there is something that binds us together, those who came from here, after that we get into each other ourselves, finding something which differentiates us. Even, we go as far as believing more those outside than those who are with us. Is this intelligence?
You who go to schools, what do you study, that does not makes you understand that concept, what have you learnt? What would these people be learning? …heen… what are they studying? That’s one.
Concerning Rwanda and the problems we particularly have. There are many. We have many problems. But to solve them, look, let start by, it is like asking you sitting the way you are, I can ask you to close your eyes, you relax, breath in, you do that from time to time. There are people who lead on these things; those who operate in this field of breathing in/ relaxing, I haven’t reached that level of knowledge, it hasn’t been mine yet. Let’s suppose you are doing it, then reflect, when you complete the breathing in stage, even before you open your eyes, ask yourself “who am I?”, “where am I?” “Who am I with?” ihn…even when you are still in that process, check on your neighbor who might be in front, beside you or behind. While your neighbor is doing also the same exercise. Then, when you check beside you and you don’t find anyone, the same as in front and behind, you don’t find anybody. How do you feel? You are lost completely.”